Special: FREE shipping with todays order!
• DoorChucky™ withstands sledgehammer force
of up to 2000 LBS of sheer strength. So forget
about your door EVER being kicked in!
• Lost or stolen keys? NO PROBLEM! With
DoorChucky™ they STILL cannot get in!
• Provides the ultimate element of security
for that no other
lock can match. Each door is protected by its
own DoorChucky™, making them
independently secure.
• DoorChucky™ disappears when not in use.
• DoorChucky™ is reliable - no parts or
mechanisms to malfunction or break.
• Made of sturdy hardwood construction and extra-
hardened steel pins, DoorChucky™ is virtually
• DoorChucky™ is an UNPICKABLE lock!
• High-quality materials ensure that DoorChucky™
will last a lifetime.
Don't let home invasion happen to you!
Sleep easy...with DoorChucky™.